Thursday, August 23, 2007


Okay okaaay, I know I am a slacker. In my defense, lots of things are happening in my world right now!
The DC trip yielded a job offer (hello dreamjob!) and so now I am in the midst of moving to Chicago. Someone put an offer on my condo after only 10 days and wants to take possession by the first, so I am furiously trying to tie up loose ends at every turn. My apartment hunting trip in Chicago was traumatic, but I ended up with a funky apartment (the good kind of funky, and let me tell you, that was hard to do) right next to the train so that I can commute like the urbanite I will become. And work in Denver is still full force, with my to-do list verrrry sllloooowly shrinking.
Since this is my last full week in the office, I'd better get back to work.

1 comment:

K said...

It's about damn time!
Moving across country, selling condos, finding new apartments... All very weak excuses when I have been stalking you forever hoping for an update.

Don't let me down again!